
WP3/5 meeting in Paris 13 and 14 February 2020
150 150 Mary Westermark

An intermediate meeting will be held in Andra (Chatenay-Malabry) for WP3/WP5 at the beginning of 2020. During this meeting, we will discuss several points: Task 5.2 Results from the large scale experiments (EB, CRT, FEBEX) Task 5.3 Specifications of predictive test case Task 5.4 Definition of assessment cases If you have questions contact Jean Talandier…

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2nd Annual meeting, General Assembly and workshop
150 150 Mary Westermark

Date and time 21 May 09.00 – 22 May 17.00, 2019. 23 May Optional visit to URF Bukov in the morning Place: Universita Karlova (CUNI), Faculty of Science, Albertov 6, Prague, Czech Republic AGENDA Presentations

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